Yukinori Dehara, returns to GR2 (Giant Robot 2) for another exciting show, Satoshi – The Last Salaryman (June 30th – July 25th).  Dehara’s art comes in the form of clay sculptures, kind of like non poseable action figures, each very unique, in a clear plastic box with a sketch of the original concept on the card backs. I really love the presentation, it reminds me of shopping for Star Wars action figures at Fedco when I was a kid. Little figure sets, books and photos of Dehara’s work were also available. The photos were my favorite. Satoshi and Morlin even made a guest appearance to say hi to everyone. Hope you can make it down to see this fresh exhibit.

2062 Sawtelle Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 445-9276



Yukinori Dehara, DJ Tony Jr., Morlin and Satoshi