Autumn season means it’s time for the L.A. Comic Con (October 11th – 13th) held at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Metro rail friendly via the Blue and Expo line. The biggest and greatest comics, gaming, sci-fi, horror and pop culture event in L.A., featuring over 800 of the best exhibitors. In it’s 9th year, guest include Tom Kenny (SpongeBob SquarePants), Ricco Fajardo & Luci Christian (My Hero Academia), Eddie DeAngelini and Zack Morrissette. Featuring the SpongeBob 20th anniversary and Kim Possible reunion panels. Thank you L.A. Comic Con for another unforgettable year.
Richard Garfield & Ken Jennings
Celebrating Movie Musicals Live
John Romita Jr.
@aliciamariebody & @utahimecosplay
David Lucarelli
Roland Of Aragon
Loganspops Comics