Legendary manga artist Katsuya “terra” Terada returns from Japan to Giant Robot 2 for his solo exhibit titled Hot Pot Girl (October 19th – November 6th). Known for his work on Blood: The Last Vampire as character designer and the manga The Monkey King, Terada’s work here in the US includes Iron Man and Hellboy. The exhibit featured many sketches, watercolors, wood, canvas, paper and print, about 65 in total. A special GR t-shirt featuring one of the Hot Pot Girls were made to celebrate this awesome exhibit. It was a great opening with many pieces sold before the nights end and as always it was great to see everyone.
Giant Robot is proud to present Hot Pot Girls, an art exhibition featuring new works by Katsuya Terada. Many say that Katsuya Terada is a legend, but he and his work will be at Giant Robot 2. Hot Pot Girls features drawings and paintings, many of which are females wearing a nabe, or hot pot. The work comes in different sizes and on paper and wood.
2062 Sawtelle Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 445-9276
Yoskay Yamamoto, Edwin Ushiro and Cate Park
Eric Nakamura and David Horvath
Sena and Katusya Terada
Mari Inukai
Yoskay Yamamoto and Katsuya Terada
Will and Kat