Attending the newly named Nerd Expo, from the organizers of Anime Pasadena, Nerdbot-Con & Nerd Knight, a one day event held at the Pasadena Convention Center. Metro rail friendly via the Gold line. A very intimate and feel good con with something for every nerd from the panels, artist alley, celebrity signing, cosplay contest, gaming tournament, karaoke, photo rooms and over 130 vendors. Special guests include Peter Cullen, Ray Park, Rikishi, Melendy Britt, Diane Pershing, Michael Bell, Invader Zim cast and much more. Test your skills at the Mario Cart gaming tournament presented by Lan Hero, and board and card games. Thank you Nerd Expo for having me and looking forward to the next.
Melissa Fahn
Sisterhood: Arrow Fan Series
Dorkish Soap
Roll Out with The Transformers Toys
Sydney Rae and A. Raven