All you have to do is read up on who Katsuya Terada is and you’ll find that he’s worked across many genres from manga, film, video games, concept art and fine art. Terada, from Japan is known for his character design in Blood: The Last Vampire or perhaps The Monkey King comic. His works span generations and he’s influenced a legion of manga artists and fine artists in Japan. He’ll appear in person to sign and perhaps sketch in copies of his book, “Ten” which features his retrospective in art.
2062 Sawtelle Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 445-9276
Sena, Terada and Eric
Joe Hahn (Linkin Park)
Eric (Giant Robot) and Carlos (Angry Bananas)
Carlos (Angry Bananas)
Katsuya Terada and DJ Tony Jr.